Are you afraid of doing what you love? Just Don’t be.

 4 to 5 min read


Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh,

Shadows of the evening, Steal across the sky.

An evening prayer which comes back to me when I think of those old days in primary school.

Back then my world was that school and those care-free days never made me aware of the life ahead of school, the outside world that I would have to face in time.

And that time did come but still I was not sure about my passion though others around me pretty much had certain career paths in mind and to tell the truth, I am still clueless as to what will I be doing in the future. Still this doesn’t bother me as much because for me, passion has become a set of interests that I have to work upon on my own terms.

If you want a life which answers to your interests, just know that you have the options (I have discussed some of them later on). Passion is an outcome of your experiences both bad and good. It will be varied for some or as broad as having an adventurous life for many.

There is a support system which you can build to support a set of things that you like doing, so if at all that passion is there, Robert Ballard has a better answer for you.


        “Follow your own passion – not your parents’, not your teachers’– yours.”


– Robert Ballard


So whatever it is you think that you are passionate about, try it, fail at it and become better at it but do it on your own terms. Or move on if it doesn’t work for you. For many their passions don’t meet up with their work ethic.

Learn to get out of the comfort zone. You have a job. You have got children. You don’t have enough cash. Excuses come in disguise. I may not have the expertise but I have enough experience, the experiences of people who have gone against the wind.

Tamer Shaaban, the writer and director of The Crazy Ones, who quit his job in computer science to pursue his film making dreams broke every rule to get where he is now. It was not easy but it was doable. The only thing that is stopping us is fear. Fear to not make it into this new realm we are to throw ourselves into.

Many of us are afraid to take the leap, I myself am. But enough is enough, don’t you think? Living the life for others is so old school.

How about this, what if there was a plan to all of this? The first thing most of us want is security and that can be provided by money. It should not be your end goal but merely a mean to get to your passion goals.

Option 1: Get a job, even if it goes against your gut feeling. And work and build your passion skills on the side. You will get to know what you want as you move ahead.

Option 2: Get a lifestyle business in place. The business which is easy to set up and work on the side like doing online businesses, Amazon FBA, online teaching courses, freelancing. (I will cover this in more details in my next post)

Option 3: As a college going guy, I would recommend to do a course which will enhance your expertise in the field you have the slightest of interest in. Be aware of what you want and how relevant will the course be in developing your skills.

Foremost importance is money, it’s a need that can put you out of any other distractions which you could waste your time on. Check this book out, it can teach you all about automating your income: 4 hours workweek.

So you can combine options 1 and 2 and get going when enough cash is there.

Or go with options 3 and 2, this will work wonders as well.

Money is easy to make. Period.

If you have the brains to work hard for the things that you want, you will find a way to make money.

I have seen many with the talent to do something that they truly love but didn’t follow the path of hardship to work on it. For them taking risks was not an option and certainly not here in India where the population is so large that if you take a single step in the wrong direction, you’re out of the competition.

Yeah, that might be true. But work hard on your craftsmanship and you can be the dominant player in the niche that you have chosen your career in, there is no competition there.

Come on, what are you afraid of…failing? Because failing is the best thing you can do right now!

The little children’s poem which I grew up with was written by Sabine Baring-Gould and his goal was never to write a poem for children, it just could not have been. It happened in the daily process of writing his books, an outcome of his passionate affair with writing.

Know this…your interests and passions can take you places which you hadn’t planned on but never settle for less. Have a plan to work in a sector which you can have a command in but never be afraid to try out new things.

Yes, passion may be overrated because you don’t know the future and it may not always work out as per your plans.

Hey, but you know that it will be an adventure. So are you still afraid?

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11 Replies to “Are you afraid of doing what you love? Just Don’t be.”

  1. Tanay
    Awesome expression of words. I don’t know many poets and proverbial quotes but a line from Gabbar Singh in Sholay does it all….Jo dar gaya samjho Mar gaya.
    So keep your spirits high and follow your passion. God bless and God speed

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Nicely worded Tanay. I must appreciate your deep thoughts and experiences. It’s quite difficult for anybody to put into words but you have done it with unrestrained. And your article may prove helpful to other people. Jahan panah tussi great ho tofa kabul karo🐒

    Liked by 2 people

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