For the love of music…listen to these songs and bust your stress

3 min read

When Woodstock happened way back in 1969, Carlos Santana stole the show, and with just a hit record old, he played like a God without a single glitch. People who had witnessed this magic unfold, still have trouble defining and putting words in their mind, as to what they had felt that day.

In general, it was peace, joy or something in between…maybe it was pure bliss.

I wonder sometimes, what is in these different beats and tunes, the lyrics, the silence which comes at moments and those instruments? What is it that makes us feel happy, sad, violent, excited or just get those laid-back lazy vibes? And not only that, you can also give yourself a better sleep. (I have included some links towards the end of this post about stress busting remedial melodies and songs.)

When I listen to Opera, it is like listening to humans trying to connect with God through their mysterious conversing emotions. It is sometimes sad, sometimes uplifting and along with telling a story which I cannot fully comprehend, it truly can transfer the feelings to even a non-native speaker.

The Flower Duet from Lakme or Luciano Pavarotti’s emotional voice were some performances, when I was first introduced to, I kept going back, and listened regularly to those theatrical melodies.

But maybe it was first, a street performance which had captivated my senses. When I was still in School, I remember there was a Nepali street music being performed about the market area and everything, from the melodic ‘Sarangi’ to the beating ‘Damru,’ were enough to make me pause everything else that I had my mind on and just listen, and it was a time when I became very focused somehow.

“Just knowing that through my music I actually inspire people is amazing for me and I find it very heart warming.”

– Thia Megia

An astounding thing is that, when you ask these street musicians, if they make enough money? They will not bother much and give a straight answer, “enough to live by.” The peace and joy, that they experience during the process keeps them aloof of this hectic busy life, what we sub-urbans often refer to as just “life.”

And likewise music has also transcended both language and culture. Whether it is a Hollywood movie or a documentary about African tribals, music creates emotions in us and gives direction to any genre of film we watch today.

But it is very different from a motion picture because music can be created anywhere. From the whistling of the train to the rain hitting against the roof of a house, it is unique in each individual’s mind. How we perceive music is up to our senses. But know this that, even the deaf can hear music and even a dog can dance to the beats of a song.

Music is universal.

And finally, something maybe useful to you people. There are some particular songs which have been proven to bring a meditative state to the person listening.

Weightless” is one of my favourite tracks and one of the most proven song to have initiated a relaxed mood and believe me, it works. Below are some links to my top three relaxing songs, do check them out:

  1. Watermark,” by Enya
  2. Weightless,” by Marconi Union
  3. Electra,” by Airstream

If you loved these, I think you should probably head here.

And then the music flowed, bounced and enthralled many but few recognised its meaning. I have tried to, but have only scratched the surface.

 “I would say that music is the easiest means in which to express, but since words are my talent, I must try to express clumsily in words what the pure music would have done better.”

― William Faulkner

What are your favourite relaxing songs?

You can comment below on some of them.


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